Has there been SOMETHING about this week you couldn’t quite put your finger on? Well, perhaps it is the coming of the “Pink Moon”, April’s full moon AND lunar eclipse. The Pink Full Moon gets its name from the herb moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the earliest widespread spring flowers to bloom, according to the Farmer’s Almanac.
Those of us in North America will not get to see a full lunar eclipse, but friends in Europe will be able to marvel at all its glory. As some consolation prize, the partial eclipse seen in North America will be the shallowest in decades and we probably won’t see another one this shallow until around 2034.
While the eclipse may be underwhelming, full moons are always special and April is the only month we get a “Pink Moon.” Might be a good idea to go for a night swim, hike or just be out in the middle of the desert channeling primitive man.