Since 2010, Krake Festival has been all about the extraordinary. It blends the different facets of theunusual while keeping the spotlight on what truly matters in music: authenticity, courage and fun, expression and revolt - music with attitude!
In 2024, once again, the fest leaves no stone unturned to bring exactly that to the stage, drawing the bow from he post-punk/hip-hop duo AUGN, frequently compared to Sleaford Mods, who take aim at Berlin's newfound hipness with gritty beats and pinpoint observations, to the vibrant, futuristic soundscape of Waq Waq Kingdom. From an expectedly outrageous rave set by Umwelt & Nite Fleit to a showcase by the legendary Dutch disco/acid/electro collective Intergalactic FM. Hard Ton, the man with the most beautiful voice and the best costumes in the business, fits in just as well as a line of DJs on the lobby floor at ://About Blank who illuminate the sounds of post-punk, new wave, and industrial from variou perspectives.
Besides the burning question "Who's doing the hottest shit right now?", Krake still ponders the question: Why is the music industry still lacking representation of artists with disabilities, even in the nclusive realm of electronic club culture? And who among these artists, defying conventional norms of ability, is crafting something truly special, despite - or precisely because of - their distinctive perspectives? With this in mind, the fest unveils an exciting inclusive lineup of artists at the festival's opening at Berghain. Each artist navigates the dynamic intersection of music and drag, yet showcasing their very own unique expression.
At the Weekender at ://About Blank, we will be treated to Gubnstreet Boys, a fresh inclusive hip-hop project that bridges mumble rap and illbient. Dive into the experimental sounds of Wellen.Brecher; the inclusive electro/techno band with German Schlager appeal is currently working on their upcoming debut album, picking up from last year’s hit “Tierisch Verboten”. At night, brace yourself for a mega jam in the garden, brought to you by the dynamic eight-piece ensemble Die Lustige Welt, which was born out of a weekly inclusive jam session at the Ick Mach Welle-studio. They are joined by members of the iconic and experimental maestro Roli Boli showcasing his mastery on custom instruments crafted by Playtronica. On Sunday, the main floor of the garden is taken over by an extinct blend of disco, acid, and electro, courtesy of IFM and Mechatronica, who are joining forces for their showcase at Krake Festival his year. Meanwhile, Ick Mach Welle DJs JP Toulouse, Bläck Dävil, and DJ Locati will be serving up pure techno madness, cranking it up and above 145 BPM.
Krake Festival takes place in Berlin June 18 - 23. For for more info and tickets visit:
Waq Waq Kingdom
Sarah Sommers