The Brvtalist: How has the pandemic era been for you creatively? Whether through running the platform or anything else you're engaged with?
TOP: Music production, and enriching the content of the platform, literally kept me going. Tales of Psychofonia played a huge role in my mental balance. It is somehow the synonym of resilience for me. Through it I kept in touch with people I appreciate, love and admire and more connections were created. It also became a platform where artists and DJs shared their views on the pandemic and the current socio-political events. You see I always need to see things in their sociopolitical perspective and I enjoy getting to know more about the artists and their views. I think art is never separated from the hand of its creator. And especially nowadays we need to hear people’s voices.
Last year, t.o.p released the V/A / Θ Ρ Α Υ Σ Μ Α Τ Α /, a charity compilation, that its proceeds went to a very important organization for the homeless here in Bristol. I was very moved and pleased to see artists I love taking part and willing to support such a great cause. I was also very happy to see how lots of other labels have shown great solidarity. I really hope this attitude will remain in the future.
On the other hand, with my Helena Markos project I released some of my tracks, which of course made me very happy. I have just finished my first remix for a Greek band and I am looking forward to its release too.
TB: How are things looking in Bristol at the moment?
TOP: Bristol is a beautiful multicultural city with a rich history. At the moment, it is sad to see how dramatically everything has changed. Although, I am pretty sure that creativity it's boiling and so many good things will come out of this, art and music wise. Rave culture is so embedded here and it will be very interesting to see how things will evolve and how people will deal with the new status quo. Two years before the pandemic there was a very interesting scene with some very unique events. It almost feels like a different decade to me right now and I cannot even visualize the post- pandemic landscape. Brexit will also have an immense impact on people’s life and to be honest I do not feel very optimistic about it. Really missing the vibe of so many interesting and open to the difference people, one gets to know here.
TB: Are you planning more releases? What's coming up next with the platform or anything else?
TOP: I am aware that the platform still needs lots of work and patience and there are some changes I am planning to do over the next 2 years but I still enjoy the diy and low- fi character of it. The platform is already 8 years old and now that the label has been launched I think that I will just trust the flow and of course my ears…everything will come at the right moment. :)
The second chapter of the trilogy will be eventually ready after Summer and next year the third release. I am planning to continue with two more trilogies for the next couple of years. Each of them will show the work of one or two artists. Finally, I do not want to restrict the label with one genre, but at the same time I want to keep some common elements. Somehow I feel that broken beats have something really timeless about them and I want lots of them :)
But yeah, enough with introspection, now I feel that I just want to feel physically connected and dance with others again, it is about time….
Thank you Jeremy!