The Brvtalist: This is your first release as Animated Matter. Hannah, you’re a vocalist/composer and David, a multi sensory artist - talk a little bit about coming together for this project and what you set out to do, if you had a plan at all….
Animated Matter: We were introduced to each other by a mutual artist friend, Flying Lotus and have been involved in each other’s art projects over the years. Through getting to know each other and making music over time, we found that our strongest work was made during the early morning hours in the limber states between waking and dreaming. We both have a strong appreciation for ambient music and wanted to make our own soundtrack to fall asleep and dream to.
TB: The album interprets the Scandinavian, Scottish and Celtic myth of the Selkie. Tell us a little about the myth and why you connect with it.
AM: The myth of the selkie is about a shapeshifting creature that turns from seal into human, most often a woman. In the tale, she is often discovered in human form by a fisherman who takes her seal coat and hides it so she cannot return to the sea. She is ultimately left with a sense of longing for the ocean and a feeling of being caught between worlds in her time on land. We felt like this concept had a strong parallel with our music and its purpose of lulling the listener into that place between the conscious and subconscious experience. Variations of the story are also common to each of our lineages, and it is mysterious, beautiful and dark, like the nature of sleeping and dreaming, so it felt appropriate in many ways.