Today, we celebrate 10 Years of Dame-Music, one of the most respected vinyl focused labels for lovers of acid, techno and beyond. Started by Bloody Mary a decade ago, the label has maintained a brilliant flow of forward thinking releases while still firmly rooted in the pioneering sound of the past. To mark the milestone, the label is releasing two volumes of v/a comps which feature talented producers from across the spectrum. With Volume 1 out this week, today we premiere Tin Man’s “Acid Ring” and we also asked Bloody Mary a few questions about the label and what’s next for her (see below).
The Brvtalist: For those who don't know, tell us about starting the label and some thoughts about how it's evolved to this point.
Bloody Mary: I started Dame-Music in 2010, when the vinyl sales were not at their best. I've always wanted to have full creative control of my output, and to share a platform with artists who have the same musical state of mind as me. I've been lucky on my journey that I've met many producers who, after all the years of working together, I can call friends. Being in the "scene" for more a decade without my own imprint wouldn't have been possible for me. I know what I want, who I want to work with (or not...) and I'm thankful that there's still plenty of vinyl lovers out there to this day.
Bloody Mary by Fernanda Mattos
TB: Tell us about the idea behind and a little about the 10 year anniversary release.
BM: At the beginning I wanted to release 8 tracks made by 8 different artists on a double vinyl. The releases were originally planned to come out in May/June 2020 and a series a label nights were confirmed in different countries. But with the pandemic thrown into the mix, the plan changed. Finally I decided to split the release across 2 volumes, one for the end of September and one for the end of October. The choice of these artists was to celebrate 10 years with artist friends as well as other artists who perform live and who inspire me.
TB: I know it's hard to plan, but what are your plans for the winter?!
BM: My plan for the winter is to finish a couple of EPs for some labels I really respect, to build a complete new live set and to work on a special project that I plan to release in spring 2021. I will continue to take care of my health, doing a lot of sport and spending time with the people I love.
Thanks to Bloody Mary for speaking with us and you can pick up the release on BANDCAMP.