French Synth-punk band Hystérie presents their first EP on Area Z after two releases on Parisian label ‘Le Turc Mécanique’. The 3 members of the band offer an engaging and personal material, whether in the lyrics or in their musical composition. Previously described as ‘Cold-Industrial’ they continue to deliver and develop their unique sound, reinforced by the lyrics sang in French. The lyrics have a strong take on freedom and social liberties, addressing the current social issues in France and more generally happening worldwide such as police abuses and the loss of democratic rights. In this present work the band members personally engage themselves through a reflection about loss; whether it’s about dogma, illusions, hopes or reference points. It is about loss, in all its meanings and how to keep going from then.
The track “Chaos” says it all. During the chorus, the sentence “Le Chaos règne”, meaning “Chaos rules” is repeated over and over again. The rattling guitar lines express this overwhelming chaos which seems to be all there is left. “Le Temps est venu, de faire ton Deuil”, which means “Now your time has come to mourn” is the last sentence sang in the track that wraps up the EP. It leaves the listener a lot to reflect upon. Despite the heavy and dark input that this song deals with, the final impression is uplifting and strength giving!
-Daisy Sous