The Brvtalist is proud to present a new mix from DJ Sacred. Considering the current state of affairs in the art of music on the Internet, it seems that any boundaries between mass and elitism, the mainstream and the underground, have long since been destroyed - especially when looking at modern hip-hop. Dropping the conveyor product from our sample, you hardly notice the difference between an average popularity artist and a simple self-taught artist who sells his or her music through Bandcamp. However, there is a very small proportion of people for whom there is a single border that is really worth breaking. This border does not lie in the market or media plane. This is the border of genre - and these people are trying to destroy it with the help of experimental music. Today we are talking about Ukrainian artist Alex Yatsun, also known as DJ Sacred, a musician who tries to exist regardless of the current state of affairs.
Starting his career as a producer for Doomshop Records, he worked hard on his sound. It seems that the quality of performance leaves much to be desired, however, as Alex says, progress is not in technology, but in developing a more accurate interpretation of ideas. “The manner of performance doesn’t have an ideal. We are aware of this in contemporary visual art at an intuitive level. Now it’s time for music.”
His last work, Dungeon Rap, is a junction of two genres close to each other: Memphis Rap and Dungeon Synth. Moody, drawn out from cheap cassettes, the melodies are rather eclectically combined together, pour it all on top of the escapism taken from the CRPGs and Roguelikes games.
Introduction to Dungeon Rap is out now on Manchester’s Natural Sciences.