Fallbeil "finish tracks at the rate of butchers kneading meatballs”, says the press release of their upcoming album Macht Macht Zement, which will be released on Killekill on November 27th. That's actually quite true - their sound is so raw it almost sounds unfinished, yet the energy of their tracks is so appealing you realize that a more polished work would change everything. They throw in elements of electro and punk, synths and vocals, with the ease of someone who knows what to expect, but the result is far from it. We had a chat with Wosto and Kluentah, aka Fallbeil, ahead of the album release party at Griessmuhle to discuss their upcoming album, the Hamburg scene and more.
Fallbeil - Mach Macht Zemet (Killekill, 2017)
The Brvtalist (Marie Bungau): First off, who is Fallbeil?
Fallbeil: Wosto and Kluentah.
TB: What does Fallbeil mean and why did you choose this name?
F: Fallbeil is the German word for guillotine. The word chose us.
TB: You come from Hamburg. How was it to grow up in this city and how is the music scene over there?
F: We live in Hamburg, but we don't come from here originally. The scene is small, but alive. Where we come from the scene was even smaller.
TB: What would you recommend to someone who’s never been to Hamburg in terms of bars and clubs? How about music coming from that city, what artists do you like/listen to?
F: You will have to visit of course the Pudel, any party from the Kraniche Boys and Hafenklang. Artist and music-wise you have to check out all peoples from the Pudel squad like Helena Hauff, F#X, RVDS, Dietroiter, Nina, Good News, Nikae Ratkat, Shari Vari, Cindy Looper, Phoung Dan, Ralf Köster usw and of course Sleazy Pictures of Teapee, Scheich in China, OnBrr, IX and Hafenschlamm Ralph + Otaku Hardy + Raffa Rekord.
TB: You’re releasing the “Macht Macht Zement” album on the Berlin-based label Killekill. How did you get in contact with them and why this particular label?
F: We got invited to their Krake Festival in 2016 and from that developed the connection and friendship.
TB: This album seems to be a collage of themes and experiences, with tracks which date back to 1999 or which were recorder as Grand Malheur, your side project. How did the album come together and what are some of the inspirations behind it?
F: We gave Nico from Killekill a folder with tracks we had recorded, he picked up what he liked and that’s it. The process of making tracks is always the same. We meet in our studio, drink beer and smoke some weed, and then the magic happens.
TB: The sound combines elements of electro, industrial and even punk. What music are you listening to and how does your musical background influenced the creation of “Macht Macht Zement”?
F: We listen to all kinds of music, there´s no one specific genre. We both have been collecting vinyl for almost 20 years, so that’s our education.
TB: What can we expect from Fallbeil in 2018?
F: We just opened up a record label called Teerpappe. The first record is out now. Go get it! There is more to come of that and of course more playing live and deejaying.
Be sure to catch the album release party in Berlin on November 18th at Griessmuehle. The duo will be performing live and joined by Dietroiter, Killian Krigs and more. The night will also celebrate the 11th anniversary of The29nov Films. More info here.
-Maria Bungau