So much focus is placed on the coming evils of our world. Visions of a dystopian future and failed society haunt all of our dreams. Ottawa's La Torture Des Ténèbres posit the theory that the world we are so frightened of is already here. We have continued to abuse our planet and its inhabitants and that has created not a future, but a present that represents our greatest fears.
Premiering recently on Invisible Oranges, the video for the track, "Broadcasts from the Phantom District", captures the above sentiments perfectly and accompanies the feelings with a retro futuristic world that recalls Metropolis and Dark City. This is dark, atmospheric black metal of the highest caliber.
We instantly gravitated toward Ténèbres' bleak, ambient infused sound and visuals that recall Italian Futurism. Coming off Choirs of Emptiness, a stellar release from earlier in the year, the next album is titled Civilization is the Tomb of our Noble Gods, which is set for a cassette release via Fallen Empire Records sub-label Vomiting Choir. We urge you to discover more La Torture Des Ténèbres on Bandcamp.