The Brvtalist is proud to premiere the latest release from Los Angeles-based experimental artist Oil Thief. Building off the success of his previous effort, Obsolescence and Monality, Undesire is a two track cassette that takes the listener deeper into the depths of ambient, noise, industrial, techno and more. Dark, crushing vocals and brvtal, melancholy electronics make for an incredible sonic hybrid that will find a home with fans of everything from techno to death industrial.
The first release on the newly formed cassette label, Centennial Apt., Undesire will be distributed through Chondritic Sound and is also available via digital download. Fans in Europe will also be able to pick up the cassette at the much anticipated Hive Mind & Oil Thief European tour this fall. The Brvtalist will be sure to bring you more information on that when available. For now, enjoy these great compositions of sinister experimental electronics.
Mastered by Cory Hanson 2015
Layout by Greh Holger
Written, recorded and produced by Oil Thief 2015
Oil Thief is Lee Landey